In partnership with Trademark East Africa (TMEA), The Federation of East African Freight Forwarders Associations (FEAFFA) is rolling out the second phase of the EACFFPC training intervention for customs agents and freight forwarders in East Africa under the EAC Logistics Sector Skills Enhancement Programme of TMEA.
The East African Customs and Freight Forwarding Practicing Certificate (EACFFPC) is a six months joint regional training program of the East African Revenue Authorities, National associations of the Freight Forwarding industry, the EAC Directorate of Customs and FEAFFA. It aims at equipping practicing or prospective custom agents and freight forwarders with requisite skills and six (6) competencies in customs and freight forwarding. Its implementation started in 2006 and over 6000 have graduated since.
TMEA supported implementation of the programme between 2011 and 2014 to accelerate attainment of a critical mass of approximately 4500 trained clearing and forwarding agents or at least two trained persons per licensed customs agent and freight forwarding firm in East Africa. The support included updating the curriculum, development of revised training materials and a trainers’ guide, establishment of additional training centers, technical and administrative support to FEAFFA among others.
Finalize updating of the curriculum for the training of freight forwarders and warehouse operators in East Africa.